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Featured Titles

Worked by the Werewolf

“Oh, the mouth on you,” Finley said, but his grin only widened. “You don’t need to worry about any of our stamina, sweetheart.”

Reviewing sex toys full-time wasn’t exactly how Jonah was expecting his life to end up, but it’s what has him at the headquarters of Sensual Playthings, talking to CEO Ezekiel Timpson about his brand-new product line.

Ez wants a tester… but with a twist.

These new toys are modelled on some decidedly non-human anatomy, so he wants Jonah to do a comparison. He needs to try the creature before he tries the toy.

Jonah’s more than happy to dive in. Finley’s first up, and the bossy werewolf is ready to find out what a good boy Jonah can be.

United with the Vampire

“He had his hands on you, Warren, and you are mine.”

Amos, son of a lord, knows he will never love anyone the way he loves Warren, one of the keep’s servants. When he rides off to war and does not return, Warren takes it upon himself to find him.

The man he finds is changed in more ways than one, but Warren thinks he is not so different from the man he loved. Still, he will have to teach Amos to trust himself again – even if that means tying him up and showing Amos just how much they mean to one another.

Plundered by the Pack

“If I take you now, I’m never letting you go,” Sawyer said. “Never.”

Car broken down, phone dead… Jared’s doing his best to get away from his past, but it’s like fate is just not on his side.

Until a truck full of hot werewolves pulls up and they offer to give him a hand.

Of course, it’s more than a hand they want to give him. Jared doesn’t understand it, but they believe he’s fated to be with them – all four of them. And they’re willing to do whatever it takes to convince him to stay.

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